
Oracle Specialization

The Oracle Specialization program offers Oracle’s most experienced and committed partners the opportunity to show differentiation and competitive edge in particular areas of the Oracle portfolio. To achieve a Specialized status, Oracle partners are required to meet a rigorous set of requirements that are based on the needs and priorities of the customer and partner community. By achieving a Specialized distinction, Inplenion Consulting has been recognized by Oracle for its expertise in delivering services specifically around Oracle Hyperion solutions through competency development, recognized business results and proven success.

Oracle Accelerate for Midsize Companies

The Oracle Accelerate Financial Consolidation and Reporting Solution based on Oracle Hyperion Financial Management has been designed by Inplenion for the midsize companies in the Middle East region. The Accelerate approach is the most cost and time efficient way of achieving successful financial close for your company and it is applicable for Industrial Manufacturing, Professional Services, Real Estate, Retail and Wholesale Distribution industries. See the details on Oracle OA page.

Specializations held by Inplenion to date

Oracle Hyperion Financial Management

Oracle Hyperion Planning

Oil & Gas Industry

Contact Details

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